Legend: ♥ = i


3313998177_d38c471257_zWe are all customers. Every one of us ♥s on the purchas♥ng end of a transact♥on almost every day ♥n l♥fe. That means there has to be a “seller” on the other s♥de of that transact♥on. We purchase products, serv♥ces and even ♥ntang♥ble th♥ngs l♥ke adv♥ce or gu♥dance. We consume products and commod♥t♥es.

No matter how much the prov♥der wants to or needs to sell, ♥t always bo♥ls down to “what’s ♥n ♥t for the customer?” What benef♥t w♥ll the end user ga♥n by mak♥ng the dec♥s♥on to move forward? Good salespeople know th♥s and always try to commun♥cate w♥th the♥r customers and cl♥ents ♥n a “benef♥t-laden” approach or style.

The other day, ♥ was l♥sten♥ng to a popular podcast. The guest was very conf♥dent ♥n h♥s own sk♥n. He was a self-recogn♥zed superstar. He was the “cock of the walk.” He was the top of the charts. ♥f there was a photo ♥n the d♥ct♥onary next to the def♥nt♥on of “success,” ♥t would have been h♥s. ♥n fact, based on h♥s ego, ♥ wouldn’t be surpr♥sed ♥f he has photoshopped h♥s own headshot ♥nto the d♥ct♥onary next to every pos♥t♥ve superlat♥ve; “All Star,” “Best,” “W♥nner,” “Champ♥on,” etc.

Please don’t take th♥s the wrong way. ♥ bel♥eve that people should carry a certa♥n bravado about themselves. Conf♥dence ♥s one of the keys to bu♥ld♥ng trust among your customers and cl♥ents. Know♥ng that you’re good at what you do helps you overcome the doubts and fears wh♥ch can creep ♥n and hold us back from the successes we can ach♥eve.

Just remember to make the message understandable to the ult♥mate end user – the customer. Speak ♥n the♥r language. Sure, you have what ♥t takes, but ♥f ♥ order, buy and use your product, serv♥ce or company…what’s ♥n ♥t for me?

And you know what? Even w♥th all of the ♥’s removed from th♥s post, the message ♥s st♥ll eas♥ly understood.

Keep bu♥lding realt♥onsh♥ps, solv♥ng problems and hav♥ng fun.

Photo Credit: 10ch

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