Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Run with the bull you might get the horns,

If you want lots of roses you’ll deal with some thorns.

When you drink hot coffee you could burn your lips,

If you go “all in” you might lose your chips.

When you swing for home runs you may miss lots of pitches,

Want to make it to Oz? You’ll need to overcome witches.

When you go on a diet, you’ll give up some sweets,

If you become vegetarian you’ll give up the meats.

If you’re gonna make sales you’ll need to hear “no,”

But don’t let it stop you, to the next house you should go.

When you never give up, you’ve already won,

So build relationships, solve problems & always have fun


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