Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
With just a few days left before Christmas, it’s time to ask for some things that just might make 2014 a better year. After you see what’s on my list, feel free to add something else you would like in the comments below.
Dear Santa
This year for Christmas, all I want is…
People who understand the phrase “time is of the essence.” That applies to showing up on time for appointments, meetings, classes and events, not just purchase contracts.
Code-writing classes for people who complain about Facebook and Twitter changes so they can finally create a new and better social network that they’ll be happy with.
Knuckle-bumps for the people who came up with the ideas for Peanut M&M’s, casual Fridays and happy hour.
More commercials like Geico’s Hump Day, Apple’s “Misunderstood” Christmas ad and Guinness’ wheelchair basketball spot.
Affiliate partners who do everything they can to under promise and over deliver.
The word “no” to be less intimidating for so many salespeople who allow it to shut down their business development efforts.
People to worry more about their own family than the Robertson’s, the Lohan’s or what-ever the hell it is that the Kardashian’s do.
More birdies and less bogeys but either way, the ability to enjoy myself more on the golf course regardless of my score.
An extra 2 hours a day to get more things done balanced out by an extra 3 hours a day to relax. Okay, if that isn’t possible, just a better ability to balance our work and personal lives.
Better utilization of social media like WestJet, Starbucks & Oreo and not like Justine Sacco or Kenneth Cole
Open houses with plenty of visitors, phone duty with lots of calls and FSBO’s who told themselves “I will list with the next Realtor who knocks on my door.”
Clients who hire a Realtor for his/her expertise and then actually listen to and trust that expertise to help make wise business decisions
Less reality shows that do more to discredit the real estate industry than help it. Not every Realtor drives a Ferrari and not every house flips in an hour and nets the owner a quick $50K.
The constant reminder that it costs less to maintain an existing customer than it does to earn a new one.
The ability to build relationships, solve problems and have fun in the new year.
Merry Christmas from Carp’s Corner. May you get everything you ask for.
Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons
Additional photos taken with iPhone4 and edited with Camera+