Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

How often do you break out of your comfort zone? Are you sometimes a bit too satisfied with the status quo? When was the last time you really took a chance and did something huge?

Imagine packing up your entire life and making a change. Not just a new brokerage or finding a new niche of clients but actually taking your entire life and trying something new. With estimates that close to 80% of people who earn a real estate license are out of the business in 2 years or less, it’s not too hypothetical to ask the question of where would you go and what would you do.

Pilgrims for Opportunity

On this date (Sept. 16th) three hundred and ninety-three years ago, the Mayflower left the shores of Plymouth, England with 102 passengers and crew in hopes of finding the “new world” and starting over. Half were said to be religious dissenters upset with the Monarchy that ruled England while the other half were entrepreneurs, simply looking for something new.

After several months at seas in rough conditions, they landed in Provincetown, Massachusetts in late November. They eventually sailed across Cape Cod Bay and landed it what they named Plymouth.

Do you think they were nervous or excited about what they would find? Do you think there were whiners and complainers urging them to turn back and return to the life they knew? Do you think they were anxious to hit land and start making things happen?

It’s hard to do when today, people can’t even follow American Idol or stick with the same cell phone plan, but imagine more than 2 months in less than ideal conditions in order to begin something fresh?

Bon Voyage

OutdoorRecreation.McCullough.Don.1Is it time for you to set sail?

What might happen if you started fresh this week? Imagine if you left all of your frustration and fears behind and just did what it is that you’ve been thinking about for a while now.

Admit it. Something has been on your mind the last few days, weeks or months yet staying in the same old routine has been easier than actually taking a chance. Doing nothing has been easier than doing something. Security has been a higher priority than risk.

You need to ask yourself if years from now, will the safety of where you’re at now have a greater return on where you could be?

Call that former client.

Knock on the FSBO’s door. Cancel that newspaper advertising contract and start that blog. Set the alarm clock for :30 minutes earlier tomorrow and walk, jog or run. Hire that assistant you know you need if you truly wish to get to that “next level.”

Hey managers – call that top agent you don’t think will ever move and ask them to join you for coffee.

Quit standing on the dock waiting to buy your ticket. Get on board and start building relationships, solving problems and having fun today.

Just think…if you set sail for something new today, you just might be enjoying a whole new world by Thanksgiving.

Safe travels!



Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons



photo by: Don McCullough