Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

You secured the listing. Now you have to get it sold.

You asked her out and she said yes. Now you have to plan a memorable first date.

You wrote the check. Now you have to make sure there are sufficient funds in the account to cover it.

You made the team. Now you have to play well during the season.

You scheduled the meeting. Now you have to hold it. (Although no one will complain if you decide to cancel or postpone it)

You bought the treadmill. Now you have to use it.

You printed out the recipe to try the new dish. Now you have to be willing to serve it to others.

You deserve the full fee. Now you just have to ask for it.

You ordered the expensive wine with dinner. Now you have to be willing to pick up the check (or at least cover the bottle of wine).

You wrote it out, threw it away and then wrote it out again. Now you have to send it.

You RSVP’d to the party. Now you have to attend.

You paid for the lessons. Now you should probably listen to the instructor.



Sometimes we think doing something is difficult. Then we realize that it was actually the easy part of the equation.




Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons


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