I love it when I am caught off guard by people delivering truly remarkable service. It’s even cooler when the person you catch isn’t doing it in front of an audience or a customer. In these instances, you know they are truly focused on doing things right because it’s the right thing to do.
I’m in San Francisco this week attending the Inman Connect real estate conference. Today was the Agent ReBoot event, a day of learning from and sharing with the best and brightest agents and companies in an effort to boost business. During the lunch break as the crowd of 300+ filtered out to grab a bite to eat, recharge their phones or get some fresh Northern California air, I observed Marciano from the Hilton San Francisco Union Square banquet department paying some serious attention to detail.
In a room with hundreds of chairs in rows, from the stage to the vendor tables in the back, the audience’s departure left a wake of Starbucks cups, granola bar wrappers and chairs pushed back and askew.
This wasn’t the way Marciano felt the room should appear for his guests so he was going from row to row, re-aligning each chair with a specific pattern in the carpet, so when the attendees returned after their lunch in the city that the room would look just like it did at the beginning of the day.
A place for every chair and a chair for every place.
Maybe people wouldn’t notice. They would just stroll back in for the afternoon session, find another chair and get comfortable. They’ll probably wiggle around and adjust their seats this way and that, pushing away from their neighbor’s chairs so they have elbow room and technological privacy.
Maybe for most, one conference room is just like the next. I think for the most part that’s probably true.
Except for Marciano.
He wants the room to look perfect.
Are You Straightening Your Chairs?
How much attention to detail do you take in your business?
Do you give the same effort in front of clients as you do when they are not with you? Are you consistent with your scripts and dialogues so when you talk to people you sound confident and fluent on the subject?
Do you wait until closing time on Friday to clean things up or do you try to remain clutter-free?
Does your “to do list” get completed each day or will things roll from one day to the next without worry?
Do you ever look at your business from the eyes of a customer or client or only through your own eyes?
It’s All About Alignment
Hands and feet doing the task allows you to do the job. Aligning those tasks with your head and your heart allows others to see and feel your commitment and experience the results fo your efforts.
Great job Marciano. I hope the leadership team at the Hilton knows what a great team member they have in you. I’m guessing that as a leader in your organization it isn’t hard for you to keep your team members in line because you show them what to do.
It might not seem like a big deal to you but your attention to detail and desire to deliver the best experience possible for your guests is tremendous.

What are you going to do next that will have someone taking notice?
8 thoughts on “Are You the Chair Man of Your Business?”
Dane Briggs ·
It says just as much about a person willing to take the time to showcase the efforts of someone they have never met. Great Blog Carp!
Sean ·
Thanks Dane. I love catching people doing the right things. It was easy with Marciano.
Anne Jones ·
Great post (and good for you recognizing someone who may not ordinarily get much glory – the facilities aspect of this event was very well executed). This crazy market had me already asking some of your key questions here…thanks for the reminder that I need to tidy up my desk and my business plan on a more regular basis!
Sean ·
Thanks for commenting Anne. It’s always a good idea to slow down and make sure you’re doing things the right way, not just “doing things” to feel busy.
It was awesome meeting you in person last week. I’ll look forward to our next opportunity to connect.
Marvin Arce ·
Sean, Thank you so much for acknowledging my father at the Hilton. He’s been working there for a long time, and he takes his job seriously as you have seen. This means a lot and I’m so happy people like you take the time to appreciate the work he does for the Hilton.
Sean ·
Thanks for the comments. You must be very proud of your father but more importanlt, you must be working hard to follow in his footsteps and providing truly remarkable service when you have the opportunity.
Libby Alojado ·
Thank you for the GREAT blog and recognition. That’s just the way he is. He puts his heart and soul into everything he does. Never late for work in 40+ years of working at Hilton Hotel. Great Job brother!
Sean ·
Thanks for the reply Libby. I have shared the story of Marciano with many people and everyone lights up just thinking about his efforts. You must be proud to know him.