Realtors are always looking for good reasons to reach out to members of the sphere of influence lists which might include clients, friends and family.
If you really need a reason for a phone call, an email, a Facebook message, a tweet on Twitter, a text, a direct mail campaign, a hand-written note or a personal visit, here are a few you might be able to use in June.
- Fishing for leads? June is Aquarium Month.
- Reward your most recent referral giver with some chocolate. June is National Candy Month.
- Trying to find out who might be moooooo-ving? Got Listings?
It’s Dairy Month in June. get out there and start milking some of those relationships. First call, then go see ’em. Get it? Cal-Ci-Um?
- Squeeze in a few more calls each day – It’s National Accordion Awareness Month.
- Looking for the purr-fect reason to “cat”ch up? How about National Adopt a Cat Month?
- Prospecting is part of any good agents healthy diet. It makes sense in June because it’s National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month.
- June 1st was Dare Day – I dare you to knock on that FSBO’s door.
- June 1st was also Flip a Coin Day. Heads you call expireds. Tails you call past clients.
- June 3rd – National Doughnut Day. Bring Dunkin Donuts Munchkins or Tim Horton’s TimBits to your local firehouse or school teacher’s lounge.
- June 6th – National Yo-Yo Day – Explain to your clients that it’s normal for the market to be going up and down.
- June 14th – Flag Day? Quit waving goodbye to opportunity that is passing you by. Get out there and show your colors.
- June 18th – Go Fishing Day. Gotta get up early if you’re gonna catch a good lead today.
- June 18th – National Hollerin’ Contest Day. Might be a perfect time to work on that short sale negotiation with the lender.
- June 22nd – National Chocolate Eclair Day – They say the cream rises to the top. Are you filling your pipeline with valuable leads?
- June 23rd is National Pink Day – Those must be the clients who don’t have a lot of equity but aren’t completely in the red either?
- June 25th – Log Cabin Day. Hold an open house and show off the great craftsmanship of your newest listing.
- June 26th – Beautician’s Day – Send out “Top Ten Ways to Prepare Your Home to Sell” fliers to local for sale by owners.
- June 28th is Paul Bunyan Day. I think the person who keeps “chopping wood” (i.e. making calls) will be the biggest story around town at the end of the month.
- June 29th – Camera Day. Post some local photos from around your town on Facebook and have a “Name the Place” contest. Post a new photo every hour from 9-5 and make the last one a local happy hour spot. Invite your followers to meet you there for a cold drink on you.
- June 30th is Meteor Day. People need to always be prepared so reach out and provide them with a “How to Make My Home More Energy Efficient Checklist.”

What will you do to reach out to your fans in June? Share an idea or two below and get to work building relationships, solving problems and having fun.
1 thought on “What’s Your Reason to Reach Out this Month?”
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